QA Engineer,

$ 30k - $ 80k
Hybrid - 2 day office

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Who you are

  • You hold a BS/MS in Computer Science or Engineering, bringing at least three years of hands-on QA expertise to the table.
  • Your toolbox includes languages and technologies like Java, Selenium, and REST API, and you're keen on mastering new tools such as Cypress.
  • With a methodical approach to testing, you're adept at both crafting comprehensive test cases and pinpointing bugs through meticulous manual review.
  • You're a proactive problem-solver who collaborates seamlessly with developers to enhance software quality and performance.
  • You thrive in a team setting, where your strong analytical skills and a penchant for innovation contribute to the collective success.

What the job involves

  • Execute both manual and automated testing to uncover bugs, ensuring the software meets our high standards and specifications.
  • Team up with developers to craft detailed test plans, streamlining the path from concept to release.
  • Vigilantly document and track issues, collaborating for swift resolutions to maintain project momentum.
  • Protect product integrity through meticulous regression testing, guarding against any disruptions to existing features.
  • Elevate our testing processes by integrating automated scripts, increasing both efficiency and test coverage.
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